Rafidah Razak Profile

About Rafidah 

Hello! I’m Rafidah Razak, a freelance travel, sustainability, and government writer based in Singapore. I help brands and organisations produce feature articles, blog articles, and website contents. I also help consultancy businesses proofread reports before submitting them to their C-suite clients or publishing them for public consumption. 

I worked in corporate communications for 8 years before striking it out on my own in mid-2019. In my previous jobs, I produced public outreach materials, breaking down legal jargon into plain English; developed annual reports to profile our agency's achievements; and engaged journalists to closely manage my organisation's image in the news.

Want to know more about me? Here are 10 random facts

  1. My first 9-5 job was at a customer service call centre for a telecommunications company. It was gruelling and quite a culture shock for someone freshly out of school.
  2. I’m mother to 2 girls, 2 sourdough starters, and 1 houseplant fighting hard for its survival under my green thumbs.
  3. I’m absolutely terrified of rollercoasters but did muster enough courage to go skydiving once – yay me.
  4. The most memorable compliment I’ve received about my writing? That it’s “bouncy”. From a political science professor who graded my essay on public policy, no less.
  5. Almost embarrassed to admit that self-help books are my favourite types of book. And parenting books – need all the guidance I can get!
  6. I picked up “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk Jr and EB White in the library because I had genuinely thought it was about fashion. I could not have been more mistaken. I did end up borrowing the book, working to improve my writing, and eventually bought my own copy.
  7. I created my first website using Geocities when I was 11. It was supposed to be a penpals directory, only because I really wanted one.
  8. And then my next few websites were fan sites for the Olsen twins – I was OBSESSED. My first piece of content was an article on how to copy their fashion. I was 12.
  9. I pay my credit card bills line by line. In theory it’s supposed to be a painful process to remind me not to spend so easily, but in reality, I spend anyway…
  10. One of my ultimate dreams is to give out travel scholarships to young adults, and encourage them to backpack across countries and see the world before joining the workforce.

Are you looking for a writer?

Get in touch with me if you are looking for someone to write:

  • Blog posts with helpful and engaging content written in a conversational tone
  • Feature articles on trailblazers whose stories you want to highlight to your community
  • Web content to educate prospects on what your business is about
  • Consultation reports to present to your clients

Or if you have other writing needs and think we’ll be a great fit, contact me through my webform or send me an e-mail at hello [at] rafidahrazak.com

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